Cold War ▪ Diversity Factor ▪ Polarization
Higher Ed
WORLD: 14 US and UK universities lead Shanghai Academic Ranking 2023
AUSTRALIA: Foreigners trafficked into sex industry by higher ed agents🔒
ESTONIA: Minister claims EU taste for big science excludes small nations🔒
INDIA: Agents have big impact on student recruitment for US colleges
KENYA: New website allows students to apply for government funding
NEW ZEALAND: Administrators make up 59% of workforce in universities
PAKISTAN: Alleged university scandals are an excuse to keep women out
PHILIPPINES: High inequality in access to HE persists after 30 years of reforms
RUSSIA: Scholarships for African students ‘echo Cold War tactics’🔒
UNITED STATES: 36% and 20% year-on-year growth in online & hybrid programs
Digital marketing
ADVERTISING: Microsoft Ads getting more sofisticated, including AI
MESSAGING: SMS and messaging apps should be part of marketing strategy
SEO: Great SEO not enough, site promotion is fundamental
SOCIAL MEDIA: Marketing plays significant role in student satisfaction🔒
VIDEO: 11 video editing apps for short-form video
Also worth your time
POLITICS: USA and UK educated senior leaders of 1/4 of the world’s countries
PUBLISHING: ‘Diversity Factor’ proposed for assessing equity in journals
RECRUITMENT: One open day not enough, recruitment should be people-driven
SOCIAL MEDIA: More diverse news diet does not reduce political polarization🔒
TECH: Universities still unsure about whether to embrace or ban ChatGPT
Cover image: Times Higher Education