6.4m int’l students ▪ Text to video AI ▪ Taylor Swift
Higher Ed
ARABIAN PENINSULA: Arab League create unified area for higher education
CAMEROON: Achille Mbembe is Africa’s first Holberg Prize laureate
DENMARK: Country shows downside of limiting international student flows
GERMANY: International Student Barometer shows widespread satisfaction
SAUDI ARABIA: HE still faces challenge in drawing int’l students
SOUTH KOREA: Bold int’l student goal at odds with visa crackdown 🔒
UNITED KINGDOM: Broader and progressive student loan scheme proposed
UNITED KINGDOM: Report challenges belief of too many overseas students
UNITED STATES: National international recruitment strategy lacking
WORLD: 6.4 million int’l students in 2020, up from 2 million in 1998
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ANALYTICS: Evolving Google Analytics for more insightful measurement
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VIDEO: OpenAI’s Sora is a giant leap in text-to-video AI
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Cover image: Myles @ MIT Technology Review