Local languages ▪ MBA courses with AI ▪ Public speaking
Higher Ed
AFRICA: Use of local languages should be promoted in continent’s HE
GERMANY: The expansion of country’s HE has come to an end. Now what?
HONG KONG: Lack of accommodation undermines student recruitment goal 🔒
ITALY: National enrolment expected to fall by 20% over next 16 years
NETHERLANDS: Universities to cut English-only undergraduate degrees 🔒
NEW ZEALAND: Unis paid more than $110m in recruitment commissions 🔒
SOUTH KOREA: International faculty tokenized, without adequate support
UNITED KINGDOM: Elite unis admit only a fraction of local students 🔒
UNITED STATES: College consulting industry turns students into brands
UNITED STATES: Subjectivity plays a role in enrolment at elite unis
Digital marketing
ADVERTISING: 49% of PPCers think managing campaigns got harder
ANALYTICS: 12 important metrics to follow in Google Analytics 4
MARKETING: 9 online Google courses to elevate digital marketing skills
SEARCH: Google considers fees for AI-fueled search features 🔒
SOCIAL MEDIA: 8 tips to boost user engagement on Facebook page
Also worth your time
LEARNING: Business schools are reorienting MBA courses around AI 🔒
MANAGEMENT: An alternative way for universities to generate revenue
SOCIAL MEDIA: Interactions vary little across 3 decades and platforms
TEACHING: Anxious about public speaking? Tips from the theatre
TECHNOLOGY: The Incognito Mode myth has fully unraveled
Cover image: Kojo Kwarteng on Unsplash