Wikipedia ▪ Enslavement ▪ 11.5 billion hours
Higher Ed
WORLD: UN demands more global spending on education and science
AFRICA: 31% of global HIV research output, but no match for infection rate
DENMARK: International enrolments in undergraduate courses up by 43%
FINLAND: Applications double for courses taught in English
INDIA: All students required to enrol in climate and sustainability course
KENYA: First online university could revolutionise education in the country🔒
PAKISTAN: Promoting tolerance agenda to pre-empt violence on campus🔒
RUSSIA: Internationalisation’s new goals are political, not academic
UNITED KINGDOM: Muddled policies are harming British universities🔒
UNITED STATES: Top universities owe existence to enslavement funds
Digital marketing
ANALYTICS: How to use advanced YouTube analytics
COPYWRITING: The most important skills every marketer needs
MESSAGING: WhatsApp could be key to converting prospective int’l students
SEARCH: Generative AI replacing search engines is a terrible prospect
SOCIAL MEDIA: World population spends 11.5 billions hours a day on it
Also worth your time
INCLUSION: Governments and universities should encourage lifelong learning
PROGRAMS: Three innovative assessments to encourage soft skills
TECH: Edtech firms lack evidence to prove products’ impact, says UNESCO🔒
TECH: Generative AI needs Wikipedia, and it could ruin it too🔒
TECH: The challenges of AI in university management
Cover image: Erik Carter / New York Times